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Re-energising Schools


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused abrupt and profound changes around the world.  This is the worst shock to education systems in decades, with the longest school closures. Disruptions to education systems over the past year have already driven substantial losses and inequalities in learning. All the efforts to provide remote instruction are laudable, but this has been a very poor substitute for in-person learning. It’s not enough for schools to simply reopen their doors after COVID-19. Students will need tailored and sustained support to help them readjust and catch-up after the pandemic. We must help schools prepare to provide that support and meet the enormous challenges of the months ahead. The time to act is now; the future of an entire generation is at stake. (World Bank, 2021)

While COVID-19 has been a challenge in education system, it has also played a major role in creating opportunities in re-energising schools. As an attempt to building processes to re-energise schools, CoLab has designed solutions which are ready to pilot in three phases as follows:


Adapting to the change

As a first step to support the ecosystem with adapting to the immediate change, CoLab released a research output on reintegrating school where we have captured five approaches to ensure school reintegration.

Post the research, CoLab designed two key resources which supported the Schools - while adapting to the change due to the pandemic. The two resources are as follows:

  • School Resilience

  • School Safety Walk

Continuity of the changes

Using the research on school-reintegration, CoLab in collaboration with Vidhya Vidhai and Involve Education, co-designed evidence-informed solution packages to enable easily continue the changes using the pandemic opportunity.

Based on the research, we have designed for two phases - one which will help with continuing the changes and the other which will help in improving and accelerating the challenge.


Phase 1 solutions are Ready-to-pilot. Kindly email us at if you are interested in piloting these solutions.
We will update these solutions with pilot insights and Phase 2 solutions are coming soon.

This pathway is evolving and we are open to collaborating with you to co-design evidence-informed solution packages.

Designed and packaged by CoLab, Vidhya-vidhai and Involve Learning Solutions Foundation; Ready-to-pilot.

For any updates, support or queries, feel free to email us at

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